With the recent news of two Bristol Nursing Homes closing, many local seniors are concerned about their options if they end up needing long term care. One option is staying in your own home and receiving 24/7 care. In the area of paying for home care, the State of Connecticut is a national leader. For several years now, our state has been expanding …
Long-Term Care Insurance – Is It Right For You?
Long-term care insurance (LTC), unlike most health insurance plans, pays for the cost of your health when you need permanent help with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, eating, etc). Depending on the LTC policy, covered services may include nursing home care, personal care at home, assisted living facilities and/or adult day …
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Qualifying for Medicaid
Qualifying for Medicaid benefits can be a critical concern for individuals seeking long-term care, as Medicaid often covers significant healthcare costs associated with aging and disabilities. However, because Medicaid has strict income and asset eligibility requirements, many individuals employ various financial planning strategies to qualify for …
A Joint Bank Account Is Not a Medicaid Planning Solution
Dear Attorney Tully: I am an 85 year old widow. I am considering adding my children’s names on all of my bank accounts in an attempt to protect them if I need nursing home care in the future. What do you think about this? ANSWER: In Connecticut, the State Department of Social Services (DSS) says that adding someone else’s name to a bank account …
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Tools To Help You Stay in Your Home
Studies show that older Americans prefer to stay in their homes if they possibly can. It is no surprise, then, that most care of older persons is provided at home, whether by family or by hired help. While many consider in-home care preferable to institutional care, there are public benefits and legal considerations, some of which may be quite …